Who Really Uses HOA Legislative Roundtables? Should I?
Whew! That’s what you call getting down to business.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, along with the Arizona legislature, recently jumped headfirst into what the Arizona Republic called a “whirlwind 81-day session” with a $9.1 billion budget. The result? More than 300 – yes, you’re reading that right – new laws on the books. Technically, they’ve agreed upon 324, most of which kick in on July 3.
So, you’ve got about a month to acquaint yourself with hundreds of new laws, which deal with social, financial, business, and school issues, and subjects ranging from microbrewery expansions to school testing – and everything in between.
You’ll also need to discern which of those apply to your homeowners association, and get on the road to complying before that early July deadline.
Need a little help?
Planned Development Services is ready to do just that – we’ll be hosting an HOA training event this month to get you prepared. Mark your calendars now for Thursday, June 11th at the PDS office in Peoria. This particular meeting will be a legislative roundtable aimed at bringing attendees up to speed on the laws, so you can start taking the appropriate actions for your community.
So who, exactly, utilizes legislative roundtables? Primarily, HOA board members who are interested in having open, informational, and constructive conversations that help them understand a range of issues that could directly (or indirectly) affect their homeowners association. Roundtables provide an opportunity for discussion, debate, and education, and of course, action.
King Arthur’s round table may be the stuff of fables and legend, but this PDS training session will arm you with relevant information and tools to help your community prepare for the hundreds of new laws heading the way of Arizona residents and communities.
Don’t miss out!