
How Well Did You Communicate The HOA Rule?

Every HOA has rules. Every HOA Board has to create rules, and get compliance from community members.

Seems easy, right? Usually never.

Why? Because communication falls through or falls flat.

Hopefully, when HOA rules are written they are not overly intrusive to begin with. But, more importantly they are clearly communicated. When the rule is made, explaining the NEED for it and the GOAL for having it, can go a long way towards encouraging support and compliance from residents in the HOA.

Here’s some other vital steps your Arizona HOA Board should take when creating, then communicating, rules:

1) Before a new rules is introduced, the HOA board should always solicit member input. This tactic reduces the likelihood of challenge, but also encourages those HOA connections between residents and board members.

2) Consider the best medium for communicating the rule, and cover many bases! Don’t just send it in a letter. Post it on your website, newsletter, social media pages, include discussion in meetings (if applicable). You could even post signs in common areas before the new rules are in affect!

3) When it comes to effective communication, less is more. Avoid long winded communications that involve emotion or illicit some type of reaction. Without a careful selection of words, communications can be misinterpreted or ignored. Remember, that in some cases, the audience reading the new rule you’ve so carefully articulated, may have prejudice towards the writer, so keep this in mind! #knowyouraudience

As many Arizona HOA Boards are running board elections during the last quarter of the year, this is a great refresher for veterans, and great advice for the new board members who may be challenged with communicating their first “new” rule or “rule change” this year.

Courtney Schwartzel

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