Risks Worth Considering for Self-Managing the HOA

On the surface, managing the homeowners association may seem simple and straightforward. Many HOA boards think they have it all…

6 years ago

How to Hold an Effective HOA Board Election

In any homeowners association, HOA Board elections can potentially become contentious, time consuming and complicated if not started off on…

7 years ago

5 Effective Personality Types for the HOA Board

There are many types of personalities that can hurt your Homeowners Association Board. But, it doesn’t take much to turn…

7 years ago

4 Useful HOA Board Recruitment Strategies

Finding the time to volunteer for anything these days is challenging with our busy schedules. Additionally, finding people willing to…

7 years ago

Who Can Serve on the HOA Board?

Who Can Serve on the HOA Board?   Raise your hand if you want to serve on the HOA Board!…

7 years ago

3 Ways to Seek Legal Advice for the HOA

With all the nuances and potential complications of governing a homeowners association, it’s no surprise that boards may need to…

7 years ago

Questions about Snowbird Rules in the HOA, Answered

Arizona is known for being a warm getaway for snowbirds that want to escape the freezing temperatures that much of…

8 years ago

Are HOA’s Liable for Online Comments? The Answer May Surprise You.

Before you jump right in, please reference our Social Media in the HOA, Part 1, which is a quick lesson…

8 years ago

Arizona’s Monsoon Season: Preparing and Staying Safe

Arizona monsoons, part of a larger North American monsoon system, are caused by extreme summer temperatures which cause low pressure…

8 years ago

Legal Fireworks in Arizona: A Quick Guide

Hide your dogs (and have a safety talk with your kids) the summer fireworks season is here. From May 20…

8 years ago