Part II: The 411 on Open Meeting Law
Arizona Open Meeting Law on “Emergency Meetings”
If you read our last post outlining what the Arizona Open Meeting Law is and how it affects HOA’s, you should be up to speed on the guidelines.
But what about “emergency meetings?” Can these be closed to HOA members? As long as your board follows these guidelines, they are in the clear:
- The HOA board must record minutes and must include a statement of the grounds of the emergency meeting. The minutes and statements must be read and approved at the next scheduled board meeting.
- If the board meets over the phone, they must have a speakerphone in the meeting room that allows association members to hear all parties speaking if they so desire.
- If the board meets informally, they must still follow general open meetings requirements, even if action wasn’t taken during the informal meetings.
What are your thoughts on the Open Meeting Law? Does it protect the public and officials? We hope you share these insights with your board members to protect your HOA from possible litigation if these provisions aren’t followed! Ready for the next session on Open Meetings? Click here for Part 3 of this series.
Thank you to Mulcahy Law Firm for your contribution to this article!