Community Spotlight: Rio Crossing HOA, Avondale
For our 25th Anniversary in HOA Management, we will be honoring our Community Associations! We interviewed Rio Crossing HOA, located in Avondale, and they highlight how they expanded their member and resident communication outreach by going social!
Name of Arizona HOA Community: Rio Crossing Homeowners Association
Location: Avondale, Arizona
Community Association President: Ray Hardwood
HOA Board Members: Ray Harwood – President, Julia Anderson – Vice President, Andres Montoya- Secretary, Stephanie Hernandez – Treasurer, Cheri Li – Director At Large
What has been your board’s greatest achievement in the last 3 years? Anything you are proud of!: We’ve expanded our member and resident communication outreach with:
- An expanded web site with information blog: http://RioCrossingHOA.com
- Reactivated the community Facebook page: http://Facebook.com/RioCrossing
- Established a voluntary participation mailing list with monthly information and weekly updates. See the message archive at http://vew.me/rcma
- See a few informative YouTube videos on our channel: http://vew.me/rcyt
- Twitter presence for announcing events and communication: http://Twitter.com/RioCrossingHOA
- Most recently started posting to Instagram: http://Instagram.com/RioCrossingHOA
How long has PDS been your HOA Management partner?: Just transitioned to PDS December 1, 2019 – less than a year
What is the greatest value PDS brings to your Arizona HOA?: Customer service feedback from members regarding interaction with all PDS staff that they are friendly, knowledgeable, compassionate but firm, and willing to take the time to listen to our members.
How has COVID impacted your HOA this year? What, if any, lessons have the board learned from this impact?: The impact of COVID hasn’t been huge to the association as a whole, but there have been a few adjustments we’ve had to make: moving to online meetings, the obligatory posting of warning notices at playgrounds, cancelation of social events (Spring Fling, Community Garage Sale, and likely our Winter Festival).
What fun community events is your HOA excited to plan for this year, or maybe next?: In 2018 we had our first Winter Festival which was well attended, and in 2019 it was a huge success. It’s unlikely we’ll be able to do this again in 2020, but we’re looking forward to it in 2021!
Traditionally, what has been your most successful community event?: Most of our events have historically been promoted only to Rio Crossing residents, with attendance of around 50 or less. In order to facilitate more activities, the Winter Festivals – held in 2018 and 2019 – were opened to surrounding communities, with attendance estimated of 250 or more. This allowed us to attract food trucks at no cost to the association, and a number of vendor tents with no charge to companies of residents, and a $25 per booth fee for non-residents. Santa got a ride to the community courtesy of the Avondale Fire Department, and saw over 100 kids each year.