5 Tips for the Homeowners Association President
What are the most important things your HOA Board President should know?
1) Understand the role: The role of the HOA President is one of leadership and guidance. It is the responsibility of the President to guide the board towards reaching decisions within provisions of the governing documents. The HOA documents are the tools that will give the President direction.
2) Lead by example: The HOA President is the one who sets the tone and provides a good example to the board and association members when it comes to following association rules and documents. A president not only has to hold him/herself accountable, but also the board and association members.
3) Understand the duties: The president of the association is vested with all powers that generally are given to the CEO of a corporation. While specific by-law provisions may vary from one HOA to another, it is generally presumed that the HOA President will preside at ALL meetings, execute contracts, orders and other documents in the name of the association. These are some of the duties that have to be executed by the president, in addition to setting the example of leadership.
4) Delegate: This is perfectly acceptable as the HOA President. Working together with the board to accomplish goals may require delegating tasks to those best suited to complete them.
5) Use professionals when necessary: Let’s face it, we’re not all perfect and all-knowing. Being resourceful and acknowledging that you are outside of your area of expertise is acceptable in a leadership role. Know when and where you may need to hire professionals for guidance or counsel (see our blog titled Three Ways For HOA’s To Seek Legal Advice).
Thank you to Mulcahy Law Firm for contribution to this article!