If you read our previous blog post on what consent agendas are, and when your HOA should use one, you might be wondering what’s next. Here are the 8 steps you need to get started…. How do we correctly implement the consent agenda process into our HOA Board meeting? 1. When preparing the meeting the agenda, […]
Arizona Open Meeting Law on “Emergency Meetings” If you read our last post outlining what the Arizona Open Meeting Law is and how it affects HOA’s, you should be up to speed on the guidelines. But what about “emergency meetings?” Can these be closed to HOA members? As long as your board follows these guidelines, […]
Prepare Turf for healthy growth If you haven’t done so already with your HOA, it’s important that you prepare turf now for vigorous growth from the Bermuda grass. Turf absorbs heat and reflects sun rays. Properly maintained turf in the Arizona climate is essential. Here’s a few tips. A publication from the University of Arizona gives […]
7 tips for successful HOA board meetings 1. Select a neutral location, such as your association clubhouse or management company office. A restaurant, church, or school will work great also! 2. PREPARE! Create and share the agenda ahead of time so members come prepared to make decisions. 3. Bring association documents such as Declaration of […]
Here’s what HOA Residents Have to Say Americans who reside in HOA’s are overwhelmingly pleased with their communities, expressing strong satisfaction with the board members who govern their homeowners associations, as well as the community managers who provide professional support. More than seven in 10 HOA residents expressed satisfaction with their community experience, according to […]
I’ve tried everything ?!! The dog still barks excessively in my HOA! If you’ve tried all of the proactive approaches to curb dog barking (read our blog post 10 Tips to Stop Barking Dogs), and feel the need to take action, we suggest following the steps below: Suggested Steps to Reporting Dog Barking Nuisance in […]
Who is responsible for what in my HOA? What is an “exclusive” area? It’s an important question often asked by homeowners, and the answer is more complicated than you may think. Generally, the association is responsible for repairing common, or shared, elements. The homeowners are responsible for maintaining their own homes. But, there are two […]
Got a Barking Dog in your HOA? It is a common problem amongst HOA’s – barking dogs. Wether it be your dog, or your neighbors, please share these tips about how to quiet your furry best friend. According to experts, there are reasons why a dog barks: boredom, changes to the dog’s lifestyle, hostile neighbors, […]
What’s the Scoop Poop? Besides being a nuisance, uncollected dog waste is a serious problem for your association. Next time you’re tempted to leave your dog droppings on the lawn, please remember these facts: 5 FACTS about uncollected dog waste in your HOA The Environmental Protection Agency is becoming aggressive about enforcing the Clean Water […]
Homeowners have responsibilities too……. We hope you enjoyed our most recent blog post regarding homeowner rights in an HOA. With any right, we must also uphold our responsibilities in order to live in a successful and harmonious community. 7 Responsibilities of Homeowners living in an HOA Community: Maintain your property according to established standards Treat […]