Tips for the Homeowners Association President

5 Tips for the Homeowners Association President

What are the most important things your HOA Board President should know? 1) Understand the role: The role of the HOA President is one of leadership and guidance. It is the responsibility of the President to guide the board towards reaching decisions within provisions of the governing documents. The HOA documents are the tools that […]

Non Monetary Claims Against HOA's

A Non-Monetary Claim against my HOA? Say what?!

What you may not know (or want to hear) about non-monetary claims against HOA’s In our ongoing series about Director and Liability Insurance, we have covered the importance of ensuring your HOA board has the correct policy (not just an endorsement), the difference between endorsements and policies, and discrimination lawsuits (one of the most common […]

Handling Bees in the Phoenix Valley HOA

Handling Bees in your HOA

What’s all the buzz about? You may have seen many recent headlines about bee attacks in Valley neighborhoods. Here’s what you need to know, along with tips on how to prevent and handle bee attacks:   Bees are present and active year long in the Phoenix Valley. However, during the summer months, they are much more […]

HOA’s and Fee Policies

HOA late fees and collection policies. the always difficult and controversial subject…..  HOA’s must have strong fee policies in place that are clear, have an intended course of action, are uniformly enforced, and encourage prompt payment. If they don’t, things can get sticky. That is why we suggest your HOA addresses fees and collections in a […]